PM Modi celebrates Christmas with Catholic Bishops Conference of India| Photos
Hindustan TimesPM Modi celebrates Christmas with Catholic Bishops Conference of India| Photos Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday attended Christmas celebrations hosted by the Catholic Bishops' Conference of India. Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday attended Christmas celebrations hosted by the Catholic Bishops' Conference of India 1 / 7 Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday attended Christmas celebrations hosted by the Catholic Bishops' Conference of India, at the CBCI Centre premises in New Delhi on Monday. 2 / 7 Prime Minister Narendra Modi during the Christmas celebrations hosted by the Catholic Bishops' Conference of India, at the CBCI Centre premises in New Delhi on Monday. 3 / 7 PM Modi interacted with cardinals, bishops and archbishops from the association RECOMMENDED PHOTOS {{#items}} {{imageCount}} {{headline}} {{^userSubscribed}} {{/userSubscribed}} {{^userSubscribed}} {{/userSubscribed}} 4 / 7 PM Modi praised the CBCI Christmas celebrations for bringing together “Christians from all walks of life.”