How work from home has impacted the productivity of an employee
India TodayBeing locked down during a pandemic situation makes many anxious and stressed. Rather, we were/ are at home during a pandemic crisis, trying to work in the most productive manner possible!’ Let’s first understand how work from home could be productive and efficient in a normal situation. Post pandemic with lockdown imposed by various national governments, organizations are left with no option but to ask employees to stay at home and work. Hence, organizations must take the lead to help employees learn how to cope with this on-going pandemic situation and be productive while staying at home. Acknowledge the stress and anxiety one may be facing One must resist the temptation to binge-work and pace their work in a manner that one finishes the work before a deadline set One must understand and appreciate one’s own context and commit to what can be delivered Given the circumstance one is in, the employee must be ready to let go one’s usual habits and rituals, if possible develop new ones Finally, a person needs are mentally agile to be productive in a pandemic-triggered lockdown phase.