Mumbai police visit Rana Ayyub’s house after she claims online abuse
Op IndiaIslamist Rana Ayyub on Friday took to Twitter to share a set of images to claim that she received death and rape threats on her timeline and inbox for speaking on Kashmir issue. My timeline, my inbox is inundated with death and rape threats the last two days for speaking on Kashmir — Rana Ayyub July 3, 2020 As Rana Ayyub shared the screenshots of the alleged abuse by various social media users, the Mumbai Police soon jumped on her timeline to take cognisance of the issue and informed Ayyub that a local police station would take necessary action. Social media users took to Twitter to complain about the favouritism displayed by the Mumbai Police to enquire about an alleged abuse against Rana Ayyub while highlighting the harsh abuses she had hurled at the very same Mumbai Police in the past. The Mumbai Police had asked a person to visit the nearest Police station when he had complained about death threats by Islamists, similar to Rana Ayyub. They slammed the Mumbai Police for hurryingly helping a ‘known propagandist’ like Rana Ayyub who try to defame and work against India while ignoring complaints of a common Indian citizen.