State Must Not Drag Its Feet and Make Covid Vaccination Mandatory for All Adults
News 18We live in times when the state is expected to be decisive, unyielding and uncompromising in national interest. Take for instance, the curious service charge price cap of Rs 150 for the private sector, taking away any incentive the market may have to join the vaccination drive. There is no reason people will pay for vaccines in private sector hospitals when on one hand the vaccine is available free of cost in public hospitals and on the other there is no mandate for getting inoculated. Vaccines must be administered free of cost; the private sector has to be incentivised to provide their services where the state is unable to. Criticism will come from various quarters but so long as the government is seen as doing everything possible to fight the pandemic and asking the public to cooperate by taking the vaccine, this move will help protect India and Indians from the vagaries and uncertainties of new COVID variants.