Study finds that sweetened drinks cause more harm than eating sugary foods
FirstpostFive researchers found in a clinical study that drinking sweetened beverages may be worse for health than eating sugary foods. Five researchers — four from China and one from the UK’s University of Aberdeen — found in a clinical study that drinking sweetened beverages may be worse for health than eating sugary foods. In addition to weight gain, eating too much sugar can lead to several heart diseases including coronary heart disease. The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India has given some guidelines for a low sugar diet: All green leafy vegetables including spinach, colocasia leaves, french beans and parsley Proportions of recommended fruits are 1-2 orange/mausami, 7-8 cherries, 10-12 jamun, 5-6 strawberries, 3-4 plums, 1 apple or a bowl of watermelon daily Skimmed or single toned milk Curd or paneer made from single toned milk Whole wheat bread or multi-grain bread 2-3 oat/ wheat cookies per day Clear soup, jasmine tea and fresh lime water instead of soft drinks and soda 10-15 glasses of water daily Health articles in Firstpost are written by, India’s first and biggest resource for verified medical information.