How 20-minute visit to park can help your mental health
India TV NewsForget morning walk or jogging, spending just 20 minutes in contact with mother nature can help you cut stress, mental fatigue and boost life satisfaction. The study, published in International Journal of Environmental Health Research, intended to validate previous findings on the impact of a park visit on emotional well-being, and evaluate the contribution of choosing to participate in physical activity in the park in relation to emotional well-being after the park visit. The team from the University of Alabama found that spending 20 minutes in a park could make people happier regardless of whether they are engaging in exercise or not during the visit. "If you cannot be physically active due to ageing, a disability or any other limitations, the study implies a person can still gain health benefits just from a visit to a local park," he added. A visit to park also led to improvement in life satisfaction by 64 per cent, the researchers said.