Dads make our world complete
Deccan ChronicleGift stores with greeting cards, social media updates with special images and customised brunches in restaurants are all a part of way to wish the strongest person we ever know. Aishwarya Pandey, digital analyst from UP, working in the city says, “My father lives in UP and I lead a very busy life with my husband, home and work. While he is a serious person, he is enthusiatic and is ready to make sacrifices for our family.” Manish Kumar, a German language specialist in an MNC regrets the fact that he does not talk to his dad as much as he ought too. His moral support gives me all the strength I need especially since I live away from home.” But not everyone is blessed to have their dad by their side. Vinod Kumar, a student says, “I have immense respect for all fathers because I never felt my dad’s touch, words, his anger or happiness.