Ink-redible discovery! Scientists find a TATTOO with references to Jesus Christ on a 1,300-year-old body in Sudan
Daily MailIn an extremely rare discovery, scientists have found a Christian tattoo on 1,300 year-old mummified leg in Sudan. The tattoo's owner was buried at the Ghazali monastery, located 9.3 miles from the banks of the Nile in Northern Sudan, and was most likely one of the monks living in the community. Dr Robert Stark, who has been leading the bioarchaeological study of the Ghazali remains, told MailOnline that this was a private tattoo possibly meant as a marker of a spiritual journey. In an extremely rare discovery, scientists have found a Christian tattoo on 1,300 year-old mummified leg in Sudan Full spectrum photography and photo editing tools allowed researcher Kari Guilbault to reveal the clear details of the Christian symbology The tattoo includes a symbol called a 'Christogram' which combines the Greek letters 'chi' and 'rho' to make a monogram that stands as an abbreviation for the name of Christ.
History of this topic

Oldest ‘tattoo art’ found on Ancient Egyptian mummies
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