FM Gives Rs 70,000 Crore Boost to Middle Income Housing, Rs 2 Lakh Crore Concessional Credit to Farmers
News 18Nirmala Sitharaman Press Conference LIVE Updates: Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on Thursday announced that all migrant workers will get free food grains for the next two months to help them cope with the impact of the coronavirus lockdown. Sources had told News18 that the package Sitharaman announces today may include loan guarantees of Rs 2 lakh crore to farmers, direct bank transfers for street vendors, and is also likely to offer relief to labourers and workers in the unorganised sector. Although the Prime Minister had pegged the overall package at Rs 20 lakh crore, or 10 per cent of India’s GDP, the finance minister had on Wednesday avoided giving any details as to how the stimulus would be paid for, or even how much actual money would be spent. The finance minister said the government will provide Rs 3 lakh crore worth of collateral free- automatic loans for businesses, including SMEs, a move that will help 45 lakh businesses.