Delhi HC Asks Govt To See Whether Temporary Protection Officers Can Be Appointed, Till Regular Appointments Are Made, For Protecting Women From Domestic Violence [Read Order]
Live LawIn a petition seeking protection of women from domestic violence during the lockdown, the Delhi High Court has asked the concerned authorities to consider whether temporary Protection Officers can be appointed, till regular appointments are made, to address the gravity of the situation. While pointing out the steps already taken by the government, the Petitioner gave the following recommendations to the court: The number of Protection Officers may be increased; There must be wide publication through various modes of electronic and print media; Helpline numbers may be widely published in several newspapers and in any other methodology that can be easily adopted; If any complaint is filed, immediate action should be taken; and emergency passes may be issued to the Protection Officers; Dedicated teams including women officers may be formed. Appearing for the Central Government, ASG Maninder Acharya informed the court that the following measures have been taken by the government so far to address the issue of domestic violence during lockdown: On March 25, an Advisory was issued by the Ministry of Women and Child Development to Chief Secretaries/ Administrators of all States/ UTs and District Collectors/ District Magistrates of all districts regarding One Stop Centres and Women Helplines to remain operational during the COVID-19 lockdown period. Apart from sensitizing the Protection Officers, four hours long webinar was conducted by the Ministry of Women and Child Development wherein special sessions were held by eminent experts from AIIMS and NALSA on psychological and legal counseling and such other matters to provide guidance to the frontline functionaries for assisting women affected by difficult circumstances including domestic violence.