ALEX MICHAEL recaps Big Brother: Seven finally steps in to save Angela
4 years, 6 months ago

ALEX MICHAEL recaps Big Brother: Seven finally steps in to save Angela

Daily Mail  

The pandemic has been a lonely time for many, Big Brother included. After two weeks of harmlessly boring TV, the dark overlord over-corrected on Tuesday's Big Brother, going full blown 'creepy uncle' in an attempt to free the nipple Spill The Tea But first, it's the obligatory lighthearted opening segment. 'Angela, to the diary room,' said Big Brother, who like the rest of the house had uncovered Angela's very unsubtle smuggling operation. BusTEAd: 'Angela, to the diary room,' said Big Brother, who like the rest of the house had uncovered Angela's very unsubtle smuggling operation. That's exactly what they did on Tuesday 'Take a seat at the control booth, Angela,' said Big Brother.

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