The 7 Personalities Of Bad Bosses Who Think They're Good Bosses
Huff PostFanatic Studio via Getty Images Bad bosses, unfortunately, are all too common and come in many types. Lawrese Brown, the founder of C-Track Training, a workplace education company, said bad bosses who used to be star performers “are following the script of ‘I do my job really well,’ but they don’t realize that their job has changed and they have to change, too.” The first step to countering a boss’ bad behavior is identifying how they operate. Consultant Peter Block identified this work archetype as the “rescuer” in his book “The Empowered Manager: Positive Political Skills at Work.” According to Block, the rescuer is someone who is highly sensitive to discomfort and believes “the path to power, influence and gaining some control over the situation is to save other people’s lives.” Brown said rescuers come from a place of thinking they’re protecting you from failure, and are bad at giving you honest feedback and more responsibilities as a result. As Brown put it: “They’ll say they want creativity, but how are you supposed to have creativity if everything you do has to be proven?” 6) The Lone Wolf Jupiterimages via Getty Images Lone wolves are assertive bosses, but teams can get frustrated by how they go renegade without notice. “What makes them toxic is everyone will get together in a team and make a decision, and the lone wolf later on will be like, ‘No, I’m going to this.’” 7) The Know-It-All Talaj via Getty Images Know-it-alls only value work done their way.
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