College: One troubling trend for American universities is coming at the worst possible time.
SlateIt is urgent that the leaders of colleges and universities stand up in defense of their interests and the values of higher education. This may seem straightforward, but in the wake of Oct. 7 and controversies over statements concerning the atrocities, many academic leaders have embraced a doctrine of “institutional neutrality.” Recalling the bruising hearings with lawmakers in December 2023 and the campus protests of last spring, it seemed to many safer to celebrate a doctrine that called for silence. After years of encouraging “more speech” as a sign of a school’s commitment to freedom of expression, the fear of offending students, faculty, and, especially, lawmakers and donors has led many academic leaders to retreat from the public sphere. Although for decades schools have interacted well with Republican and Democratic representatives, the brazen VP candidate has declared that “universities are the enemy.” The Trump agenda promises to dismantle diversity, equity, and inclusion departments and to punish those schools who do not live up to a right-wing version of civil rights standards. This week, the candidates spoke of using the military against those who don’t share their views, referring to Democrats as “the enemy within.” As Ian Bassin has noted, “There is not a case in American history where a presidential candidate has run for office on a promise that they would exact retribution against anyone they perceive as not supporting them in the campaign.” We must not be neutral about this.
History of this topic

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