Who is Varavara Rao?
India TodayThe police have arrested writer Varavara Rao in connection with the Bhima-Koregaon violence that erupted in Maharashtra last year. Rao was also an accused in the Ramnagar conspiracy case where he was alleged to have attended a meeting where the plan to kill Andhra Pradesh Police constable Sambaiah and inspector Yadagiri Reddy was hatched. Rao's name had surfaced in the investigation when Pune police arrested Surendra Gadling from Nagpur in June in connection with the Elgaar Parishad rally case. READ| Raids in 5 states in connection with Maoist plot to assassinate PM Modi READ| Maoist plot to kill PM Modi: Varavara Rao, Gautam Navlakha and others arrested WATCH| Govt has sold forests to multinational companies, says Naxal sympathiser Varvara Rao