U.K. House of Commons to vote on assisted dying
The HinduThe U.K. House of Commons, on Friday, will vote on a bill to allow some terminally ill adults in England and Wales to end their lives under certain circumstances. The Terminally Ill Adults Bill 2024-25 provides terminally ill adults, who have mental capacity and have no more than six months left to live, to request assistance from a physician to end their life. U.K. Health Secretary Wes Steering told the BBC that he would vote against the bill because of the risk that people might be coerced into ending their lives because they may be “guilt-tripped” or “ feeling like a burden”. “I think it is really important that the government is neutral on this and the two people whose neutrality is most important are the prime minister and health secretary.” Harriet Harman, a member of the House of Lords and former Labour Party chair, told the Observer.