The Ukraine Depositions Have Destroyed Trump’s “Corruption” Defense
SlateAccording to Republican senators, President Donald Trump had a very good reason to press Ukraine to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden and other Democrats. Sondland, during his Oct. 17 deposition, was asked whether he knew of “any aid being withheld to the other 28 countries in your portfolio under President Trump in 2018 or 2019.” He said he didn’t. By contrast, Taylor testified that Volodymyr Zelensky, who took office as Ukraine’s president this year, “appointed reformist ministers,” opened an anti-corruption court, abolished lawmakers’ immunity to prosecution, and “supported long-stalled anti-corruption legislation.” On May 23, Sondland and other U.S. officials personally told Trump about Zelensky’s anti-corruption initiatives. Volker testified that Biden, when he was vice president, demanded Shokin’s removal because Shokin, according to every Western government, “was not pursuing corruption cases.” Trump and Giuliani responded by lambasting Biden and defending Shokin. Volker recalled that in his May 23 meeting with Trump, Sondland, and other officials, the president “gave the example of hearing from Rudy Giuliani that they’re all corrupt, they’re all terrible people, that they tried to ‘take me down’—meaning the president—in the 2016 election.” When the intelligence committee’s director of investigations asked Volker whether Trump gave “any specific examples other than the fact that they tried to ‘take him down,’ ” Volker said no.