Help! My Ex-Girlfriend Refuses to Move Out of My Apartment.
SlateEvery Thursday on Twitter @jdesmondharris, Dear Prudence asks readers for their thoughts on a question that has her stumped. —@ninny_muggins You say Anna is not “showing signs of wanting to get going.” She doesn’t need to show signs! Any thoughts on next steps?” It’s “You need to move out by September 1.” You had the right idea in your letter. There’s a ton of room between “ex lives here indefinitely” and serving an eviction notice, and it sounds like the focus of requests for conversation about this has been in terms of “What are you doing with your money,” instead of maybe “I want my house back, what’s the plan.” —@DamianneTweets This stood out to me too. As to the woman on a warpath: Get a lock for your bedroom, keep all valuables in there, take pictures of everything in the condo and document its present condition before serving Anna with a notice to quit, just in case.” —@illuminallie_ if the LW can move at least their self and their most important and vulnerable stuffs somewhere else before the last 30 days, then they can give Anna adequate notice without risking her stealing or damaging their most important items.
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