'Could get bad': Columnist warns frustrated MAGA is going rogue as it sees Trump backtrack
1 week, 3 days ago

'Could get bad': Columnist warns frustrated MAGA is going rogue as it sees Trump backtrack

Raw Story  

Donald Trump's fans appear to be eager to re-enact a chilling aspect of Nazi Germany, according to a new column. "This brownshirt impulse has always been a part of Trumpism, as we saw with the rise of the Proud Boys, Oath Keepers and other paramilitary gangs during the first Trump administration," Marcotte wrote on Monday. The letter that circulated in Lincoln County, Oregon, urged recipients to gather information on "brown folks" in their neighborhood to help the Trump administration round them up for deportation, promising material rewards for helping. "Trump made a lot of bold promises to get elected, leaving his followers with hopes that the U.S. will soon have the racial and religious homogeneity they crave," Marcotte wrote. "With 42 percent of Americans belonging to a racial minority, however, even Trump's outrageous deportation plans will do little to make the U.S. look as white as MAGA wants.

History of this topic

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