Grim Reaper Comedy 'Melancholia' Is Surprisingly Uplifting
NPRGrim Reaper Comedy 'Melancholia' Is Surprisingly Uplifting Notes on a Case of Melancholia or A Little Death By Nicholas Gurewitch, Joshua Engledow, Patrick Thorpe, Brennan Thome, Adam Pruett Purchase BookPurchase close overlay Buy Featured Book Your purchase helps support NPR programming. It's hard to decide whether Nicholas Gurewitch's new book is jarringly at odds with our current moment or perfectly suited to it. In between grappling with conventional subjects like modern technology and modern relationships, Gurewitch's characters often encounter existential dilemmas that are simultaneously knotty and ludicrous. Sponsor Message PBF's often-mordant sense of humor is belied by the lightheartedness of the format and the art, which varies according to Gurewitch's whim.