Budget 2019: Tax on capital gains may continue this year, rise from 10% unlikely
India TodayThe 10 per cent long-term capital gains tax imposed on profit above Rs 1 lakh in the last Budget will, in all probability, continue in this year's Budget, sources said. Market participants are now worried over the possibility of a hike in the long term capital gains tax to increase the revenue of the government. After the announcement in the last Budget, the government had said that currently the amount of income earned from the stock markets that isexempt from this tax works out to Rs 3.76 lakh crore which would translate into a tax collection to the tune of Rs 37,000 crore. In the 2018 Budget, government had imposed 10 per cent levy on capital gains of over Rs 1 lakh without the benefit of indexing, making it co-exist with the securities transaction tax or STT.