Dutton's nuclear plan a 'heroic', cherrypicked 'recipe for higher energy bills', experts say
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3 months, 2 weeks ago

Dutton's nuclear plan a 'heroic', cherrypicked 'recipe for higher energy bills', experts say


Some of the nation's top energy analysts have criticised the Coalition's nuclear plan, saying it will be more expensive, burn more carbon, result in a smaller economy and be more disruptive than Peter Dutton claims. "Economic models are interesting, valuable and some say essential, but they don't tell you what's going to happen until you try and build this kit," Dr Woods said of the nuclear plan. Tristan Edis, a respected and seasoned analyst at Green Markets, said the Coalition's nuclear plan was a "recipe for higher electricity bills". Mr Edis said international evidence also undermined the Coalition's view that Australia could build nuclear reactors "far" cheaper than allied countries have managed. Kenneth Baldwin, one of Australia's leading physicists, says the Coalition's costings raise more questions than they answer, including how a future Dutton government would keep aging coal-fired power stations "open in the face of ongoing maintenance issues, outages during extreme heat events, and in the face of intense competition from solar and wind?"

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