Seminar, magazine discuss civilizational exchanges
China DailyMutual understanding and trust, interconnectivity, as well as mutual learning and complementation, are crucial for exchange among civilizations, said cultural expert Xiong Chengyu. Xiong was attending a seminar in Beijing on March 22 celebrating the 10th anniversary of President Xi Jinping's speech at the UNESCO Headquarters in Paris on March 27, 2014, during which he highlighted diversity, equality and inclusiveness among civilizations, and pointed out the importance of exchange and mutual learning between civilizations as a key impetus for human progress, global peace and development. A former director of the National Cultural Heritage Administration, Liu said that the Asian Fund for Cultural Heritage Conservation attached to the foundation is actively taking part in international exchange and cooperation programs on Asian cultural heritage preservation. The foundation is also deepening its links with other Asian countries, as well as the breadth and depth of international exchange, by funding cultural heritage conservation and joint archaeological projects, cooperating on launching exhibitions and supporting forums and personnel exchanges, he said.