On the shoulders of giants
2 years, 1 month ago

On the shoulders of giants

The Hindu  

Recently, I have taken an interest in learning and exploring science through the lens of history, and I was drawn to the origin of various species and their evolution. By studying DNA from a small piece of bone discovered in a cave in Siberia, Paabo discovered the Denisovans, a previously unknown hominin group distantly related to Neanderthals. When I try to recollect my first bit of knowledge on the origin of species, I am reminded of Charles Darwin and what I learned of his work through the school curriculum. The puzzle over the red rocks troubled Leonardo for the greater part of his life though his attention was taken up by many creative pursuits, such as the painting of “The Last Supper”, “The Battle of Anghiari” “Mona Lisa” and his ambitious flying machine experiment. In the late 17th century, diplomat Benoit de Maillet moved to Cairo in Egypt to protect and ensure order among the French community residing there.