This Post Office Money-Back Scheme Can Give Returns of up to Rs 14 Lakh. Check Details
News 18The post office bank has come up with a scheme for all those who are looking for an opportunity to earn a big amount of money by investing a small part of their income. Under the Post Office’s ‘Gram Sumangal Rural Postal Life Insurance Scheme’, a bank customer has to invest Rs 95 per day to get Rs 14 lakh in return over the period of time. ‘Gram Sumangal Rural Postal Life Insurance Scheme’ is an endowment plan that provides a fixed amount of money after the completion of the maturity period, money back as well as insurance cover to all those people having a bank account in the post office in rural areas. In the 15-year policy, a bank customer gets 20 percent of the total sum assured as a money-back on completion of 6 years, 9 years, and 12 years. If a 25-year-old bank customer takes this policy for 20 years with a sum assured of Rs 7 lakh, he will have a premium of Rs 2,853 per month, i.e.