FTC Approves Ban Of Noncompete Agreements In 3-2 Vote
Huff PostLOADING ERROR LOADING The Federal Trade Commission on Tuesday voted 3-2 in favor of adopting a historic and far-reaching ban on noncompete agreements, potentially giving more leverage in the job market to millions of U.S. workers. “The FTC estimated that the ban would boost wages by between $400 billion and $488 billion over 10 years.” Lina Khan, the commission’s chair and a progressive appointee of President Joe Biden, said Tuesday that non-compete clauses “keep wages low, suppress new ideas, and rob the American economy of dynamism.” “The FTC’s final rule to ban noncompetes will ensure Americans have the freedom to pursue a new job, start a new business, or bring a new idea to market,” Khan said. The agency estimated that the ban would boost wages by between $400 billion and $488 billion over 10 years, and lead to the creation of more than 8,500 new businesses per year. When proposing the rule, the FTC noted that noncompetes could hurt low-wage workers in particular, citing use of the contracts at the sandwich chain Jimmy John’s, which HuffPost had revealed in 2014. It defined a competitor as any business that is located within 3 miles of a Jimmy John’s and derives at least 10% of its revenue from “submarine, hero-type, deli-style, pita and/or wrapped or rolled sandwiches.” Biden had urged the FTC to take action against noncompete agreements not long after taking office, signing an executive order in July of 2021.
History of this topic

Federal judge throws out U.S. ban on noncompetes
Trump-Appointed Judge Blocks Biden’s Ban On Noncompete Agreements
Huff Post
Lina Khan Fights For Workers' 'Liberty' Amid Attacks From Democratic Donors
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FTC ban on noncompete agreements comes under legal attack
Associated Press
Column: A Trump judge blocks another pro-worker Biden initiative, this one involving noncompete clauses
LA Times
FTC's Ban On Noncompetes Leads To Business Lobby Lawsuit
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New federal rule would bar ‘noncompete’ agreements for most employees
Associated Press
U.S. bans noncompete agreements for nearly all jobs
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FTC bans employers from using noncompete clauses
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The Independent
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Column: The FTC is pushing new rights for workers. Big business is pitching a fit, of course
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Lina Khan’s Plan to Liberate US Workers
FTC proposes rule that would ban employee noncompete clauses
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