6 Ways To Channel Your Anger When You're IN IT
4 years, 10 months ago

6 Ways To Channel Your Anger When You're IN IT

Huff Post  

CSA Images via Getty Images Here's what therapists say you should do in the moment when you're ticked off like this bear. “Anger will often also cause changes in our body, such as muscle tension like a stiff, sore neck, rapid heartbeat or breathing that becomes rapid and shallow,” Smith said. This is an effective strategy to emotionally talk yourself back down.” SDI Productions via Getty Images “Anger will often also cause changes in our body, such as muscle tension like a stiff, sore neck, rapid heartbeat or breathing that becomes rapid and shallow,” therapist Kurt Smith said. But when we pull back from the conversation and let the body’s survival mechanisms do as they need, “the body discharges that survival energy rather than it feeling stuck,” Bouffard said. “If you can bring conscious awareness to the real emotion, then you can actually take an outsider view and discover why it’s happening,” said Patrick Davey Tully, a therapist in Los Angeles.

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