Over-Enrolled, Virginia Tech Offers Some New Students Financial Incentives To Wait
NPROver-Enrolled, Virginia Tech Offers Some New Students Financial Incentives To Wait Enlarge this image toggle caption Lance King/Getty Images Lance King/Getty Images Emmanuel Mahgerefteh has wanted to attend Virginia Tech for as long as he can remember. "If I went to community college, you're saving a lot of money, because that's a year of no tuition, that's a year of no housing, dining, and that saves upwards of about $20,000," Mahgerefteh says. Sponsor Message Dannette Gomez Beane, director of recruitment and operations at Virginia Tech's Undergraduate Admissions Center, has been advising students mulling over this decision. Because Virginia Tech and the Virginia community college system have a close partnership, Beane says, students who spend a year at community college will receive a similar educational experience to one at Tech.
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