Why they fight: It's not just about Trump -- the insurrectionists believe 'their version of America is under threat'
Raw StoryThe Jan. 6 rioters’ composite profile reveals an insurrectionary base willing to resort to political violence to resist challenges to the dominant position of white Christendom and patriarchy in the United States. Assembling a TEAM.” In a video posted on his Twitter account at 3:52 p.m. on Jan. 6, Stedman reported: “I was pretty much in the first wave, and we broke down the doors and climbed up the back part of the Capitol building and got all the way into the chambers.” While Cusick’s podcast commentary expresses frustration that fewer Christians are declaring dominion over political governance, Stedman is preaching to young men who have difficulty maintain relationships with women that their problems are rooted in the decline of patriarchy. “Divorce is easy — you don’t even need an explanation — and in the aftermath, it’s usually the woman who ends up with the house and kids.” Deriding gender progress in gender equality, Stedman lamented that traditional male authority has been supplanted by “an amorphous corporate state syndicate.” Among defendants who hail from the regions with the highest levels of participation in the insurrection — central Florida, New York’s Hudson Valley, and the northern Philadelphia suburbs — some hold criminal records that reflect involvement in hate activity, or domestic violence. “Patriots are storming the Capitol building; there’s violence against patriots by the DC police; so, we’re en route in a grand theft auto golf cart to the Capitol building right now,” Minuta reportedly said. “Trump’s the one who made people all of a sudden realize we have a country, and we have an opposition, whether you were on the left side or the right side,” Cusick said.
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