Dream swim in Maldives turns into nightmare: Shark bites woman floating beside it
1 month, 3 weeks ago

Dream swim in Maldives turns into nightmare: Shark bites woman floating beside it

Hindustan Times  

A scary video has surfaced on social media capturing how a fun-filled holiday turned into a nightmare for a woman. Travel vloggers Chels and Antonio shared a video on Instagram showing Chels getting bitten by “one of the most friendly species of Sharks.” “To clarify a few things, no she did not just put her hand in the shark's mouth as much as it might look like that. Unfortunately it mistook Chels’s hand as a piece of tuna and sucked it in but as you can see quickly let go when it realised she wasn't tuna haha,” read the caption posted along with the video. Hope you enjoyed the entertainment.” A fourth wrote, “I hope it doesn't hurt too much but sorry to say you were pushing your luck for the sake of likes on social media.

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