For global fashion industry, impact of coronavirus pandemic presents both crisis — and opportunity to recast itself – Firstpost
FirstpostThe fashion industry has taken a hard hit due to the COVID-19 crisis. From the material to the spiritual, the supply chain to the ideological basis of its existence — every aspect of the industry is being wrung out to dry because of what’s being called ‘fashion’s Darwinian shakeout’. From the material to the spiritual, the supply chain to the ideological basis of its existence — every aspect of the industry is being wrung out to dry because of what’s being called ‘ fashion’s Darwinian shakeout ’. Internal shifts in countries central to fashion’s supply chain like China and Italy will have an impact on the global fashion industry. Indeed, as the world turns slowly and cautiously towards reopening, it’s time for those in the fashion industry to do some soul-searching, to challenge themselves and commit to some rethinking about these fundamental questions.