Special exemption area for Jewish people marked out with 18ft poles in wealthy village is approved despite 1,000 objections - as council pulls some comments over 'antisemitism'
Daily MailA controversial plan to erect an eruv, a sacred area for Jewish people, in one of the wealthiest villages in Britain has been approved despite receiving over a thousand objections from locals. At least 33 Premier League footballers call it home, along with various TV and radio stars and successful business people An example of the poles that would be installed around Hale, connected by thin nylon wire like fishing line Hale's synagogue's council-approved plans involve installing 52 poles, each up to 18 feet high, in 26 different roadsides and footpaths across a 12-mile stretch of land Some households even received leaflets which criticised the plans for the 'permanent religious boundary' adding that it was 'for a tiny minority'. The proposals received over a thousands complaints, however some objections were removed for containing alleged anti-Semitic content An eruv is an area exempt from ancient Jewish laws dating back to the 7th century which forbids the carrying or pushing of items outside private areas on Shabbat The area of the proposed eruv, which is strongly opposed by groups of local residents 'This has made life much more uncomfortable for Jews that live in the area and it is destroying years of inter-faith work, for what purpose? The 'Shabbat Inclusion Project' said the eruv bring 'numerous benefits for the Jewish residents, particularly the elderly, disabled, and families with young children' The architect firm even quoted the Equality Act 2010 to argue the council should approve the plans on the grounds of religion and those with disabilities 'Whilst it is recognised the eruv would be located where there are mixed communities with many people of different religions and those who do not identify with any religion, the formation of the eruv would not stop members of other religious groups or of no religion continuing to live within the area or to practice their own faith or none. Rabbi Yisroel Binstock from Hale Synagogue argued that without an eruv those in the Jewish community unable to walk or reliant on a wheelchair, walking stick or buggy face a decision of being isolated o breaking sacred Shabbat observance during the most sacred part of the week Today a spokesman for a Facebook group called South Trafford Against the Eruv spoke out on Facebook against the plans 'Planning should have been refused.
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Uproar over plans to create special exemption area for Jewish people in wealthy village marked out by 18ft tall yellow poles - as opponents oppose 'religious enclave'
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