Palghar lynching: How the media reported on the heinous crime
Op IndiaThe brutal mob lynching of three in Palghar, Maharashtra including two Sadhus has shocked the nation. In this report, we shall highlight how the mainstream media reported on the mob lynching of the Sadhus at Palghar and how it has reported on such crimes when the victim happens to be Muslim. The following is the screenshot of the TNIE’s report on the Palghar mob lynching on the 19th of April” Source: The New Indian Express Only 10 days prior, the same media outlet had published a report on the incident of a Muslim man being thrashed on the suspicion of spreading the Wuhan Coronavirus but in that instance, the subheading made it clear that the man was unfairly targeted. Source: The Hindu When it comes to cases of mob lynching of a Muslim, however, the religion of the victim automatically takes precedence over its feigned ‘secularism’. The headline of its report on the Palghar mob lynching read, “Mistaken for thieves, 3 lynched to death by 200-strong mob in Maharashtra’s Palghar”.