Minister tells officers to protect APMC properties, clear encroachments
1 month, 3 weeks ago

Minister tells officers to protect APMC properties, clear encroachments

The Hindu  

Minister for Textiles, Sugar, Sugarcane Development, and Agricultural Marketing Shivanand Patil said in Mysuru on Wednesday that immediate measures have to taken for reclaiming the encroached lands of APMCs in Mysuru and Chamarajanagar districts. In case of encroachments by the government departments, letter correspondences must be done with the respective departments seeking compensation for the said lands, Mr. Patil told the meeting. Mr. Patil said it is the responsibility of APMC officers to write to the Centre seeking its nod for procuring farmers’ produce at MSP when the prices crash. The officers must collect complete information on the transactions at APMCs and also the transactions happening outside, and ensure that transactions happen only in APMCs, Mr. Patil said.

History of this topic

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