Recyclable waste in 400 shipping containers to become landfill following SKM collapse
ABCThousands of tonnes of recyclable waste will instead become landfill, after South Australia's Environment Protection Authority was advised it was too degraded to salvage. Key points: Victorian company SKM entered liquidation last year, leaving waste in temporary storage Almost 400 shipping containers in Adelaide are being used to store recyclable material That will be sent to a dump north of the city after being deemed unsalvageable The material was collected and stored inside almost 400 shipping containers for more than two years at Wingfield and Lonsdale by Victorian company SKM Recycling, with the intention for it to be sent to China. "SKM had an unusual model for South Australia in that they took all of the waste from the yellow bins and compressed it into bales at a strong rate of compression," EPA chief executive Peter Dolan said. 'Not suitable for recovery', Environment Minister says Environment Minister David Speirs said the waste equated to more than one per cent of the total amount that goes to landfill across metropolitan Adelaide each year.
History of this topic

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