Personal Loan Settlement: Everything you need to know before making a decision
Live MintPeople always resort to debt settlement when they are under pressure and want to break free from the vicious cycle of personal debt. Benefits of personal loan settlement Debt relief: This one also is more focused on debt relief; Loan settlement allows you to settle all your debts at a lower payment than what you owe. Drawbacks of personal loan settlement Effect on credit score: The most immediate and irreversible effect of taking a loan settlement is a low average credit score which leads to more difficult access to new credit cards and loans in the future. The most immediate and irreversible effect of taking a loan settlement is a low average credit score which leads to more difficult access to new credit cards and loans in the future. Unfavourable credit history: The effect of a settled loan remains in the credit report and hence lenders see one as a high risk to lend money to.