Boris Johnson’s prison pledges will not address safety ‘crisis’, MPs find
The IndependentGet the free Morning Headlines email for news from our reporters across the world Sign up to our free Morning Headlines email Sign up to our free Morning Headlines email SIGN UP I would like to be emailed about offers, events and updates from The Independent. Read our privacy policy Boris Johnson’s pledges to create thousands of new prison places and boost security inside jails will not address an “enduring crisis of safety and decency”, MPs have found. Mr Neill said the government had a “poor track record in building prisons”, adding: “We want to see the detailed plans for the promised £2.5bn for 10,000 more places, what they’ll look like and when they’ll be up and running.” Campaigners hit out at the policy when it was announced in August, saying that 9,000 places would be needed just to eliminate overcrowding. “Prisons should be safe and decent environments that rehabilitate offenders but this not currently the case.” The report added that even when failures are found, jails are not given the extra funding and help they need, concluding: “There is little point in identifying poor performance if the necessary resources are not then provided to drive improvement.” MPs said a long-term funding settlement was required to make jails safe, and for changes to how facilities’ management contracts are outsourced to private companies. “This government is investing tens of millions in security and improving conditions – an extra £156m for maintenance, £100m to ramp up security and tackle drugs issues, and £2.5bn to create 10,000 additional prison places.
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