Rating 20 of the NHL’s unwritten rules by how ridiculous they are
1 year, 1 month ago

Rating 20 of the NHL’s unwritten rules by how ridiculous they are

New York Times  

Hockey has a lot of unwritten rules, and we sure do seem to spend a lot of time writing about them. Did Greig violate one of hockey’s unwritten rules by taking a slap shot into an empty net? 8: A big hit, even a clean one, calls for an immediate fight I’m not sure any unwritten rule has generated more debate in recent years than this one. 12: No running the goalie This is one of those unwritten rules that isn’t really unwritten at all, since it’s pretty clearly spelled out in the rulebook that goalies aren’t fair game for contact. 20: You can’t write an article about unwritten rules if you’ve never played the game Where, as always, “played the game” means reaching whatever level the person who’s mad at you reached.

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