A little more ambition and resolve could boost India’s economic expansion
Live MintPlanet Earth completed a revolution around the sun and we all celebrated it with gusto, calling it a New Year. There is much discussion around ‘known unknowns’ or ‘unknown unknowns’ of a world awash in debt and beset with rising interest burdens and global trade patterns having taken a geopolitical turn, with portents of trade and currency wars, perhaps even new wars. Looking at the medium term, as per the IMF, India’s contribution to global growth at about 15% during the five-year span of 2024-29 will be greater than that of the US, which is projected to contribute about 11.6%, and also more than twice that of Germany, the UK, France and Japan combined. In fact, Donald Trump’s second presidential term in the US could prove to be a major stress test for decision-makers around the world. Trump’s policies on trade in which the US is less exposed and his fiscal measures could boost the US’s near-term economic performance and the dollar, which could be problematic for many economies.