Revenge of the Raj: UK disarray as Jallianwala anniversary looms!
Deccan ChronicleHas this strange coincidence struck you as well? The closer we get to the anniversary of the Jallianwala Bagh massacre — the greater the political disarray in the UK? So if I believed in the afterlife, I would imagine that these coming weeks could see the revenge of those thousands who were killed at Jallianwala Bagh 100 years ago… Could it be that the curse of the martyrs has struck a deadly blow as the UK, once a mighty power, struggles to maintain its position as world leader? Isn’t it ironic that Britain is falling into a quarrelsome, shambolic mess, just as we remember those who died at Jallianwala Bagh — because they dared to challenge the supremacy of the British Raj? And, finally, those of you who are keen to join the commemoration of the Jallianwala Bagh massacre in the UK and India — please do see the three exhibitions, set up in collaboration by the Partition Museum from Amritsar, along with the Manchester Museum — at the Manchester Museum, at the Nehru Centre in London and the Birmingham Library.