Career in Fashion: Decoding the 21st century fashion industry for the new job seeker
India TodayThe fashion industry is a fast-paced, ever-evolving industry, whose limits are constantly tested by everyone. The contrast in the themes of different elements in the same outfit, make the overall look speak volumes of the Indian fashion industry evolution. A trend that has affected the global fashion market, the casual look segment of the fashion industry has grown to include a lot more than just comfort wear. Fashion from different countries is now available to everyone across the globe and the increasing trend of influencers who want to stand out and look different ensures the fashion industry is constantly experimenting and evolving in its sense of what is trending. --- With the growing availability of easy to access credit lines to include a luxury budget in their lifestyle and the obsessive need to post everything online and share with the whole world to see, it is can be said the current code the fashion industry is adhering to is: constant change with a need to stand out while putting a personal stamp on the outfit and making a statement, be it fashion or personal, on a near-daily basis.