Greeks Clash With Police Over Latest Austerity Measures
NPRGreeks Clash With Police Over Latest Austerity Measures Enlarge this image toggle caption Louisa Gouliamaki/AFP/Getty Images Louisa Gouliamaki/AFP/Getty Images It was the calm after the storm in Athens today after a night of riots sparked by a new round of painful austerity measures. Enlarge this image toggle caption Milos Bicanski/Getty Images Milos Bicanski/Getty Images The new measures passed by Parliament would shed 15,000 public-sector jobs and cut the minimum wage by 20 percent. One protester, high school literature teacher Hara Nika, said her salary had already been cut due to the official belt-tightening and that the latest round of austerity also threatened her minimum-wage-earning daughter. " Prime Minister Lucas Papademos appealed for calm and praised the austerity measures that he said would set the economy on the road to recovery.
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