MARTIN SAMUEL: Premier League's Project Restart is riddled with mistrust and cynicism
Daily MailIt says something of the mistrust now rampant in the Premier League that when Brighton revealed three positive tests for coronavirus this week, the first reaction of many was to ask: 'How did they conjure that?' Danny Rose this week expressed his opposition to the Premier League's Project Restart The same for those who wish the season curtailed and regard player safety as their trump card. When several club doctors responded less than enthusiastically to the prospect of a restart in a Premier League questionnaire, the leaking of this information was used to cast aspersions on the veracity of the answers. Sergio Aguero has been one of the most outspoken when it comes to voicing players' fears Perhaps in the next 24 hours, as clubs and the Premier League spell out the precise details of football's return, there will be a thaw in attitudes.