Creatures of the deep 海洋生物
China DailyCreatures of the deep 海洋生物 Play audio file 在地球的海洋深处隐藏着一些奇怪的生物。其中包括寿命长达400年的格陵兰鲨,以及地球上最大的无脊椎动物——巨型乌贼。本期 “随身英语” 介绍海洋深处一些神奇的生物,包括吸血乌贼、小飞象章鱼和一种头部会发光的鱼! 词汇:ocean creatures 海洋生物 The ocean covers over 70% of the surface of our planet, though, according to the National Ocean Service, 95% of it remains unexplored. Another deep-sea creature is the giant squid, an animal that remains a mystery to scientists despite being the largest invertebrate on Earth. Other unusual creatures include the vampire squid, which lives 2000 to 3000 feet under the ocean and is so-called because of its dark cloak that connects its eight arms. 词汇表 unexplored 未经探索的,无人涉足的 hostile 恶劣的 unrelenting 无情的,不屈不挠的 freezing 极冷的 bizarre 奇怪的, 怪诞的 species 物种 deep sea 深海 Arctic 北极的 predator 掠食者,捕食性动物 Greenland shark 格陵兰鲨 ice crystal 冰晶 giant squid 巨型乌贼 invertebrate 无脊椎动物 carcass (动物的)尸体 wash ashore 冲到岸上 marine biologist 海洋生物学家 whale 鲸 prey 猎物 vampire squid 吸血乌贼 dumbo octopus 小飞象章鱼 protruding 突出的 anglerfish 琵琶鱼 venture 冒险去做 lurk 潜伏,潜藏 测验与练习 1.
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Colossal squid: The eerie ambassador from the abyss
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