Big Decision For Small Online Players: No Need For GST Registration If Sales Are Below Rs 20 Lakh
News 18In a move that will benefit persons in the unorganised sector, the GST Council on Wednesday decided to waive mandatory registration for small entities selling their products online. The Council has provided the “waiver of requirement of mandatory registration under section 24 of CGST Act for person supplying goods through ECOs, subject to certain conditions, such as – a) the aggregate turnover on all India basis does not exceed the turnover specified under sub-section of Section 22 of the CGST Act and notifications issued thereunder; b) the person is not making any inter-state taxable supply”, according to an official statement. With an estimated five crore MSMEs currently unable to sell online due to compulsory GST requirements, this game-changing measure can be an enabler for millions of small units, including artisans, boutiques and mom-and-pop stores. Providing a big relief to MSMEs, the Council has also extended the Rs 40-lakh threshold exemption for intra-state sales and the Rs 1.5-crore threshold under the composition scheme to online sellers.