I Never Get The Flu, So Why Do I Need A Flu Shot?
Huff PostBrian S. Koll, MD Recently retired as Executive Medical Director for Infection Prevention and Control, Mount Sinai Health System The seasonal flu is a contagious illness caused by influenza viruses that infect the respiratory tract. But flu viruses mutate every year, so even if you did not get last season’s virus, you may still succumb to this season’s. Anyone who is 6 months of age or older should be vaccinated, especially those at high risk of complications from flu, such as young children, older people, pregnant women, people with a chronic illness like diabetes or heart disease, and those with weakened immune systems due to disease or medication like chemotherapy. You need to get a flu shot every flu season, because the vaccine is updated each year. It is impossible to catch the flu from a flu shot because vaccines are made either from dead influenza virus or are cell-based, meaning they just contain some genetic material, not the whole virus.
History of this topic

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