Nuclear energy's six biggest myths busted as Australia seriously considers making the change - and why coal isn't necessarily the safe option
1 year ago

Nuclear energy's six biggest myths busted as Australia seriously considers making the change - and why coal isn't necessarily the safe option

Daily Mail  

The fear of a scare campaign against nuclear energy has prompted one Coalition MP to debunk some myths about nuclear reactors - and warn even coal plants can be potentially dangerous. The prospect of a nuclear energy scare campaign has prompted a Coalition MP to debunk some myths about nuclear reactors and point out coal plants are also potentially dangerous An MP who champions nuclear energy has debunked the myth that uranium from nuclear reactors can be used to make atomic bombs - and argued coal plants were potentially dangerous too MYTH 1: Nuclear reactor uranium can be used to make atom bombs Nationals backbencher David Gillespie, who chairs Parliamentary Friends of Nuclear Industries, is preparing for a scare campaign from the other side of politics. 'The average variety nuclear reactor that is generating steam to produce electricity only has three-and-a-half to four per cent enriched uranium,' Dr Gillespie said. Nationals backbencher David Gillespie, who chairs Parliamentary Friends of Nuclear Industries, noted the typical reactor contained less than four per cent enriched uranium among its fuel load - well below what's need to make an atomic bomb 'Fukushima formed a whole lot of hydrogen gas because of the meltdown, the meltdown happened because the diesel pumps that pump all the cooling water around to keep the reactor at about 300 to 400 degrees, it stopped because of the tsunami,' he said. The Labor Party has a plan to reduce carbon emissions by 43 per cent come 2030, and the likes of Treasurer Jim Chalmers have suggested renewable energy will meet all of Australia's energy needs by 2050 Entrepreneur Dick Smith has warned of wind droughts that can last for years, and argued it was unrealistic to rely on renewable energy for 100 per cent of Australia's energy needs as coal and natural gas were phased out.

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