![Call for Chapters : Green Criminology and Climate Justice: A Global Perspective [Submit Abstract by 31st March, 2022]](/static/images/error.jpg)
Call for Chapters : Green Criminology and Climate Justice: A Global Perspective [Submit Abstract by 31st March, 2022]
Live LawABOUT THE BOOK Green Criminology is a unique area of research within the system of criminology. This is an attempt by the editors to count and describe the Green Crimes; illustrate its impacts on the environment and human life; explore the relationship between environmental crimes, Law and ecological justice; the Role of International law in combating green crimes, and the mitigation strategies by various countries around the world. S, Assistant Professor, Gujarat National Law University, Gandhinagar, India RECOMMENDED TOPICS Green Criminological Theories Green Crimes: Meaning, Definition, Types, Causes, Issues and Challenges Environmental justice and Criminology: Future Perspectives Wildlife Crimes Pollution Crimes Illegal Mining Environmental Crime in Transnational Context: Global Issues and Challenges Victims of Environmental Crime Environmental Crime and Governance an Indian Perspective Environmental Crime and Governance an International Perspective Green Crimes and Climate Change Mitigating Environmental Crimes-Role of Legislature and Judiciary Implementation and enforcement of environmental law: Role of Citizens Environmental crime and Corporations Case Studies in Green Criminology ABSTRACT SUBMISSION PROCEDURE Academicians, Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit the abstracts of 250-350 words on or before 31st March 2022 to publication2022@gnlu.ac.in.. ASSISTANT EDITORS Mr. Shrey Kapoor, Teaching Research Associate, GNLU Ms. Nandita Gugnani, Teaching Research Associate, GNLU Mr. Harshit Goel, Teaching research Associate, GNLU ADVISORY BOARD Dr. R. Thilagraj, President of the Executive Committee, Asian Criminology Society, India Matthew Baird, Director at Asian Research Institute for Environmental Law, Myanmar Dr Trevor Daya-Winterbottom, Associate Professor / Deputy Dean, Te Piringa - Faculty of Law, University of Waikato, New Zealand. Rose-Liza Eisma-Osorio, Lecturer, University of Cebu, Philippines Prof. Sairam Bhat, Professor of Law, National Law School of India University, Bengaluru, India Dr. S. Latha, Assistant Professor, Department of Criminology, University of Madras, India IMPORTANT DATES 31 March 2022: Abstract Submission Deadline 15 April 2022: Notification of Acceptance of Abstract 31 August, 2022: Full Chapter Submission 15 November 2022: Communication of Results of 1st Review 30 November 2022: Submission of Revised Chapter by the Author 20 December 2022: Communication of Second Review 30 December 2022: Revised Submission by the Author 25 January 2023: Notification of Final Acceptance of the Chapter Note: There are no submission or acceptance fees for manuscripts submitted to this book publication.
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