I Left My House Intending To Jump To My Death. These Are The Words I Needed To Hear Back Then.
5 months, 3 weeks ago

I Left My House Intending To Jump To My Death. These Are The Words I Needed To Hear Back Then.

Huff Post  

The author hikes an oceanfront trail on a good day in July 2022. She dialed, waited and said, “I’ve got her.” Before long, I would learn that after I left that morning without my phone, shouting at my husband, “Maybe you’ll be lucky, maybe I’ll jump,” he had called my daughter, who called my best friend, who came to help my husband look for me. Tempted to hang up, tempted to lie, again, and say, “Never mind, I’m OK,” I remembered my best friend’s words. Despite having said, “I’m OK,” for longer than I could remember, I hadn’t been for a long, long time. I said, “That’s a good question,” to give myself time to think — and because it was a good question.

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