Nutritionist Lee Holmes reveals what a month without alcohol REALLY does for your health
Daily MailFor years, countless drinkers have temporarily given up alcohol for one month as part of 'Dry January' after the overindulgence of the festive season. The Sydney cookbook author told Daily Mail Australia even short periods without alcohol will improve memory, mental clarity, energy levels and sleep quality, as well as promoting weight loss and reducing pressure on the liver. Australian nutritionist Lee Holmes says giving up alcohol for 31 days improves memory, mental clarity and sleep quality, as well as aiding weight loss and reducing pressure on the liver, but temporary abstinence must lead to a more moderate approach to drinking in the long run Australia's guidelines for healthy drinking Australian Guidelines recommend healthy adults should drink no more than two standard drinks on any day to cut the lifetime risk of harm from alcohol-related disease or injury. Ms Holmes warns alcohol places huge pressure on the liver, which can only process roughly one drink per hour Revealed: Long-term effects of regular heavy drinking Brain: Drinking too much can affect your concentration, judgement, mood and memory. Source: Health Direct WEIGHT LOSS AND HIGHER ENERGY Excessive alcohol consumption contributes to weight gain by reducing the body's ability to burn fat, accelerating appetite and inhibiting our ability to make healthy food choices.