Police stop protestors demanding BPSC Prelims re-exam | In Pics
Hindustan TimesPolice stop protestors demanding BPSC Prelims re-exam | In Pics Police stopped aspirants during a protest against alleged paper leak of the BPSC Prelims exam at Gandhi Maidan, in Patna.. Police stopped aspirants during a protest against alleged paper leak of the BPSC Prelims exam at Gandhi Maidan, in Patna. 1 / 11 2 / 11 BPSC aspirants demonstrating during a protest at Gandhi Maidan in Patna over the alleged leak of a question paper of the December 13 combined preliminary exam conducted by BPSC 3 / 11 Protestors demonstrating during a protest at Gandhi Maidan in Patna over the alleged leak of a question paper of the December 13 combined preliminary exam conducted by BPSC. RECOMMENDED PHOTOS {{#items}} {{imageCount}} {{headline}} {{^userSubscribed}} {{/userSubscribed}} {{^userSubscribed}} {{/userSubscribed}} 4 / 11 Agitators demonstrating during a protest at Gandhi Maidan in Patna over the alleged leak of a question paper of the December 13 combined preliminary exam conducted by BPSC.